Sake to read

Blue glass with gold rim

Blue glass with gold rim

The edge of the blue glass is decorated with gold. The style with legs is orthodox, but the body is blue and the legs are pale green. The golden rim shines every time you tilt the glass as if you were magical to the sake that was brought to your mouth.

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Red liqueur glass

Red liqueur glass

Frosty glass with a deep and gentle red color. The organic form draws a soft curve from the mouthpiece to the richly inflated bowl.

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Milky gold glass

Milky gold glass

I thought that the first impression was an elegant glass with gold leaf giving a splendid impression to milky white glass. Is the gold leaf in the image of a magnificent mountain with a wide hem, and the milky white in the image of snow?

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Label of sweet pure rice wine

Label of sweet pure rice wine

I tried to express the taste of "sweet pure rice" with a gentle and soft image based on white. The design is paired with the black "dry pure rice". The taste of sake is composed of five flavors: sweetness, sourness, spiciness, bitterness, and astringency. Therefore, "sweet pure rice has a strong sweetness." But that is not the correct answer.

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